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流覽次數:3422    添加時間:2018/3/15    來源:美國EB5一點通

1. EB-5法案還未定稿,直到昨天各方還在繼續拉鋸,其中條款細節;
2. IIUSA已經提交了一份立法建議,並且還在繼續準備立法建議;
3. EB-5法案試圖搭車的預算案,尚未出爐;
當前,中國EB-5投資者最為痛心的是排期和隨之造成的小孩超齡,排期已經連續3個月停滯,而這可能只是嚴峻形勢的剛剛開始(參考閱讀:4月簽證公告板,排期連停3個月|EB-5快訊),就簽證辦公室主任Charlie對此次排期停滯的解釋是:(18財年)any movement will be very limited,也就是說,就算本財年排期還能前進,那麼也是非常有限的。
1. 不反對通過簽證預留,但是預留的簽證應該從其他地方獲取,否則將造成實質性的立法回溯,中國申請家庭大面積超齡;
2. 如果不能增加簽證,那麼至少應該可以在申請過程中,在子女年滿18歲之後,更換給子女,為美國節約綠卡,並提升移民素質;
3. 問題項目投資者的保護,包括“Material Change-重大變更”的觸發條件,應該是I-526獲批,而不是登陸獲得臨時綠卡,否則對長排期中的中國投資者傷害太大;
As a EB-5 Chinese investor, I am already very sad to see that I need to wait over 10 years for my visa. Now I hear that the new draft is even going to prolong the waiting time. This is a devastating news to me and many other investors like me.
Reserving visa for new applicatants is unfair for all existing applicants. This is equal to encourage people to cut in line. It is unacceptable.
Please consider increasing the visa quota or shortening the waiting time to increase Chinese investors’ confidence to the US.
Regardless of the reasons for promoting EB-5 reforms, at least a minimally acceptable program for EB-5 families that have already invested in and are not free to withdraw is the minimum that the US government that advertised the Beacon of Freedom should do at least. . Abandoning applicants who trust in the United States is not what responsible legislators should do.
This is my proposal for the immigration program.
1. I have no objection to the reservation of visa places, but the reserved signatures should be obtained from other places. Otherwise, they will be traced back to substantive legislation, which will cause China to apply for a large area of family overage;
2. If it is not possible to increase visas, then it should at least be possible during the application process that the main applicant can change to the children after they reach the age of 18, save green cards for the United States, and improve the quality of immigrants;
I expect your consideration and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you very much



Visa Backlog: Would drafters be open to creative solutions to relief to EB-5 visa backlog that would not require new visa numbers?
If children were able to take their parents place as principal investor and maintain their priority date, it would not affect the dollars and jobs that benefit the U.S. economy while also reducing the number of individuals waiting for a visa number to be available (as parents of the children would not be eligible for derivative benefits from their child).
The approximately 92,000 people in line for an EB-5 visa. These people are already in for a long wait with an annual quota of about 10,000 visas, and the EB-5 reform act has set-asides that would reduce generally-available visa numbers to about 6,900 per year. The situation will be especially bad for people from China, Vietnam, and possibly India. Those people already in line didn’t plan to wait 17 years or so for conditional green cards — and neither did the projects accepting their investment. The bill does not include on-purpose retroactivity (it doesn’t make TEA, investment amount, or job creation changes apply to people who already filed I-526), but past investors will be severely affected by the visa set-asides, and potentially by new restrictions that affect regional centers and investment projects.
1. 能夠白宮請願(鏈結位址:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov,哪位投資者若發起請願,請聯繫我進行傳播,募集10萬簽名不應該是難事);並聯絡美國媒體,要求立法公正。正如Suzanne所言,法案沒有回溯條文,但是將造成回溯事實,對已經遞交申請的中國/越南乃至印度投資者,這是極其不公平的。
2. 通過相關議員的網頁/Facebook和Twitter聯繫他們,發聲音給他們;
3. 聯繫美國媒體,製造輿論壓力;
4. 聯繫你的項目方/區域中心/律師,讓他們為你發聲,否則長排期下的退款壓力,對任何各方都無力承受;
1. Chuck Grassley(參議院司法委員會主席):https://www.grassley.senate.gov/constituents/questions-and-comments
2. Bob Goodlatte(眾議院司法委員會主席):https://goodlatte.house.gov/contact/
3. John Cornyn(參議院多數黨黨鞭):https://www.cornyn.senate.gov/contact
4. Mitch McConnell(參議院議長):https://www.mcconnell.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactform
5. Paul Ryan(眾議院議長)https://paulryan.house.gov/contact/email.htm
1. Chuck Schumer(民主黨參議院/城市派大佬):https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/email-chuck
2. Jeff Flake(共和黨參議員/偏城市派大佬):https://www.flake.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contact-jeff
3. Rand Paul(參議員曾提出過EB-5改革提案):https://www.paul.senate.gov/connect/email-rand
4. Jared Polis(眾議員曾提出過EB-5改革提案):https://polis.house.gov/contact/
5. Patrick Leahy(參議員大佬曾經的EB-5最大支持者):https://www.leahy.senate.gov/contact/
1. IIUSA(EB-5行業協會):info@iiusa.org
2. EB5IC(城市派EB-5協會):info@eb5coalition.org
文章來源:EB5Sir 美國EB5一點通
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