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attorney join in

流覽次數:3008    添加時間:2017/8/1    來源:RCH走進美國

過去幾年間,針對第三方換匯這種操作方式,雖然移民局也曾發出補件通知(Request for Evidence)要求第三方提供收入來源證明,但對於大部分第三方換匯的申請材料的審批還是相對寬鬆,部分投資人也在移民局睜一隻眼閉一隻眼中順利拿到批准。
“USCIS must be able to determine that it is more likely than not that the capital which has been invested by Petitioner or which Petitioner is actively in the process of investing is capital obtained through lawful means. Accordingly, USCIS requests additional evidence to establish the lawful source of the EB-5 investment.
To determine the lawful source of Petitioner’s investment funds, additional evidence is required. Petitioner must submit, as applicable, the following evidence in order to comply with 8 C.F.R. § 204.6(j)(3):
· Evidence showing that the third party broker is a legitimate and/or licensed and registered money service business;
· Evidence identifying any source(s) for the third party;
· Corporate, partnership (or any other entity in any form which has filed in any country or subdivision thereof any return described in the subpart described in 8 C.F.R. § 204.6(j)(3)(ii)), and personal tax returns including income, franchise, property (whether real, personal, or intangible), or any other tax returns of any kind filed within five years, with any taxing jurisdiction in or outside the United States by or on behalf of Petitioner, or
· Any other evidence that overcomes the deficiencies noted above.”
· 證明換匯的第三方是一個持有執照的合法換匯機構;
· 如果第三方換匯人為個人,需提供其境外美金的合法資金來源。舉例,如果換匯的美金來自工資收入,則需要提供雇主開具的工作收入證明信、完稅證明、工資帳戶的銀行流水、公司介紹冊、名片、簡歷等證明材料;
· 如果第三方換匯為公司,則需要提供公司的營業執照、稅務登記證、審計報告、完稅證明、銀行對賬等證明材料。
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