美國駐華使領館聯袂出品:在線對談美國密西根州第一位盲人最高法院法官 A Virtual Conversation with Justice Richard Bernstein, the first blind justice of the Michigan Supreme Court
時間:8月4日,週五,19:00 Time: Friday, August 4, 19:00 地點:各使領館美國中心請詳見海報 Venue: American Centers in different areas, please see posters 語言:英文配有中文翻譯 Language: English with Chinese translation
注: 此活動為線下活動,嘉賓線上出席 Note: This is an offline event, the speaker will join online
上海美國中心、北京美國中心、廣州美國中心、瀋陽美國中心和美國駐武漢領事館攜手合作,非常榮幸地邀請到密歇根州全州選民選出的第一位盲人最高法官Richard Bernstein,與感興趣的公眾進行在線對談,講述他的職業和個人生活故事。作為一名從出生起就失明的人,伯恩斯坦法官不得不與法學院招生委員會進行鬥爭,以允許他參加 LSAT 考試並進入法學院學習,而他的大部分法律工作都是保護殘疾人的權利,並且大部分的案件都是公益的。他稱殘疾人權益倡導是他畢生的工作。業餘時間,伯恩斯坦還是一名長跑者,完成了 25 場馬拉松比賽和1個鐵人賽事。歡迎參加這個勵志的講座! In collaboration with Beijing American Center, Guangzhou American Center, Shenyang American Center and Wuhan Consulate, Shanghai American Center is honored to invite Justice Richard Bernstein, the first blind justice elected by voters statewide in Michigan to have a virtual conversation with interested public on his professional and personal life story. As a legally blind person from birth, Justice Bernstein had to fight the Law School Admission Council for equal opportunity to take the LSAT test and enter law school. As a lawyer, much of his legal work focused on protecting the rights of people with disabilities, often taking on cases pro bono. He considers advocacy for persons with disabilities as his life's work. In his spare time, Justice Bernstein is an avid runner, completing 25 marathons and completed one iron man challenge. Please join us for this inspiration talk!
在被選舉成為密西根州最高法院律師之前,作為一名律師,伯恩斯坦法官就因其堅持不懈倡導殘障權利而聞名,曾是位於密西根州法明頓的The Sam Bernstein Law Firm律師公司的公共服務部門負責人。生為盲人,伯恩斯坦法官畢業于密西根大學,並入選Phi Beta Kappa學會(美國大學優等生榮譽學會),並在伊利諾伊州芝加哥的西北大學法學院獲得法學博士學位。
Justice Richard Bernstein became the first blind justice, elected by voters statewide, to the Michigan Supreme Court in November 2014. With a commitment to justice and fairness, Bernstein began his eight-year term in January 2015.
Prior to being elected to Michigan’s highest court, Justice Bernstein was known as a tireless advocate for disability rights as an attorney, heading the public service division for The Sam Bernstein Law Firm in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Blind since birth, Justice Bernstein is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Michigan and earned his juris doctor from Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago, Illinois.
Justice Bernstein believes advocacy is about action. He has been committed to using his skills and training to achieve justice for his clients. Justice Bernstein’s cases often set national standards protecting the rights and safety of people with and without disabilities. Among his cases in private practice, he represented the Paralyzed Veterans of America in partnership with the United States Department of Justice in an action against the University of Michigan to allow for safe access for individuals with disabilities when the university’s alterations to the stadium failed to accommodate and represent disabled visitors. The case helped establish guidelines that are used by all commercial facilities across the country. He also challenged the City of New York to make Central Park and all of its parks safer for visitors and accessible for people with disabilities and visual impairments.
He also successfully partnered with the United States Department of Justice to force the City of Detroit to fix broken wheelchair lifts on its buses, establishing a precedent for accessibility in public transportation. Justice Bernstein also represented residents with disabilities against the Oakland County Road Commission in Michigan after “roundabout” traffic circles were built without accessibility for people with disabilities, impacting future Americans with Disability Act of 1990 (ADA) compliance for road construction throughout the United States. Further, in a landmark settlement against Delta Airlines and Detroit Metro Airport, Justice Bernstein gained accessibility for fliers with disabilities, setting the standard for how airlines and airports are to be covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
A proponent of education, Justice Bernstein argued for, and won, preservation of special education funding throughout the state and filed a federal suit against the American Bar Association to put an end to its discriminatory practices toward blind students via requirement of the Law School Admissions Test.
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