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流覽次數:2322    添加時間:2022/4/16    來源:美國駐華大使館

重要更新:對於在美國東部時間 2022 年 5 月 11 日 23:59 之前離開中國上海的個人,美國疾病控制與預防中心 (CDC) 已宣佈美國公民,美國國民、合法永久居民 (LPR),持有有效美國移民簽證的外國公民,與美國公民或 LPR 一起旅行並持有允許他們前往美國的有效旅行證件的非移民類外國公民,在前往美國的航班登機前無需提供 COVID-19 陰性檢測證明或康復文件。更多信息請訪問:https://www.cdc.gov/quarantine/fr-proof-negative-test.html 

由於上海的健康防控政策, 位於梅龍鎮廣場的美國公民服務處自3月30日,週三起關閉。我們將持續關閉,直到當地政府允許重新開放。


關閉期間, 如果您遇到任何緊急情況,請撥打 +86 10 8531-4000(撥“0” 轉總機)。我們與駐北京大使館和其他駐地領事館正在相互協調,為美國公民提供緊急服務。常見問題解答如下。我們建議您立即聯繫摯親,並定期向他們告知您的情況。親友會擔心您的安危,因此盡可能通過電話、短信或社交媒體等渠道與他們取得聯繫,讓他們知道您平安無事。當無法接通語音服務時,仍可使用短信和數據服務。

我們敦促所有美國公民到智能旅行者登記計劃(Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, STEP)系統中進行免費註冊,網址http://step.state.gov/ 。這是最簡單的方法,保證您可以收到最新的安全信息。如果您的鄰居和朋友還沒有註冊,請鼓勵他們儘快註冊。上海的情況不定且在快速變化中, 我們將密切關注,並通過智能旅行者計劃向美國公民發送安全信息的更新。





如果無法獲得所屬居委會的幫助,且家裡的食物也沒有了,請聯繫領事館,以便我們幫助您獲得所需的服務。請發送電子郵件至 shanghaiacs@state.gov 或致電 +86 10 8531-4000 聯繫我們,並提供您的姓名、電話號碼、地址和您所屬居委會的聯繫方式。



如果無法獲得緊急治療或必要的藥品,請發送郵件至shanghaiacs@state.gov 或致電+86 10 8531-4000,並提供您的姓名、電話號碼、地址和您所在居委會的聯繫方式


如國務院最新的“中華人民共和國旅行建議”(Travel Advisory for the People’s Republic of China, https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/china-travel-advisory.html ) 所述,因為新冠病例激增和中華人民共和國(PRC)應對措施帶來的相關限制的影響,國務院已允許非緊急美國政府雇員和其家庭成員自願撤離。請放心,保障美國公民的安全是我們的首要任務,因此大使館和總領事館人員配置充足,會對在中國的美國公民信守承諾。

自中國離境的商業航班仍有位置,但數量有限。因為封控一再延長,我們密切監測該情況,同時我們也在著手處理持有確認機票的旅行者前往機場之事宜。如果您預定了國際機票,但因為疫情管控措施無法出門,請發送郵件至shanghaiacs@state.gov 或者致電+86 10 8531-4000。




如果您的家庭遭遇此問題,請致電+86 10 8531-4000。我們會盡最大努力協助。領事館干預當地隔離或疫情管控措施的能力極其有限。








您的護照將妥善存放在我們的辦公室,待領館重新開門時便可領取。關於 EMS 遞送 – EMS 也一直處於關閉狀態,無法從我們這裡領取護照進行遞送。一旦解除限制,便會恢復提供服務。

問:我近期有旅行計劃 – 我現在可以申請新護照嗎?







訪問大使館 COVID-19 網頁 (https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/zh/covid-19-zh/ )以獲取有關中國情況的信息。


請訪問美國疾病控制與預防中心( CDC) 網站( https://chinese.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html ),瞭解有關您可以採取哪些措施來降低感染 COVID-19 風險的最新信息。

訪問COVID-19 網頁 (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/COVID-19-Country-Specific-Information.html ),瞭解各個國家的最新信息。

如遇緊急情況,請撥打+(86)(10) 8531-4000或聯繫 shanghaiacs@state.gov

國務院 – 領事事務

+1-888-407-4747 或 +1-202-501-4444



註冊Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) https://step.state.gov/STEP/Pages/Common/Subscribe.aspx 以接收警報。

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/travelgov) 和Twitter (https://twitter.com/travelgov) 上關注我們

有關個人情況的具體問題,請發送電子郵件至 shanghaiacs@state.gov 。如果您有緊急情況,請致電 +86 10 8531-4000 聯繫我們。

American Citizen Services – Frequently Asked Questions

Important update: For individuals departing Shanghai, China through May 11, 2022 at 23:59 ET, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that U.S. Citizens; U.S. Nationals, Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR); noncitizens in possession of a valid U.S. immigrant visa; and noncitizen nonimmigrants who are traveling with a U.S. citizen or LPR and possess valid travel documents allowing them to travel to the United States will not be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result or documentation of recovery prior to boarding a flight to the United States. More information is available at: 


Due to local health control measures, the American Citizen Services office in the Westgate Mall in Shanghai closed from Wednesday, March 30. We expect to remain closed until authorities allow us to reopen our facilities.

Protecting the safety and security of U.S. citizens is our top priority.

If you experience an emergency during our closure period, please call +86 10 8531-4000. We are coordinating with the Embassy in Beijing and other consulates around the country to provide emergency assistance to U.S. citizens. Answers to frequently asked questions are below.

We urge all American citizens to register in STEP at https://step.state.gov/ . This is the easiest way to ensure you get the most up-to-date security information. Encourage your neighbors and friends to do so immediately if they haven’t done so already. The situation in Shanghai is fluid and rapidly changing. We are monitoring conditions closely and will inform U.S. citizens of any changes to our security information via STEP.

On April 11, 2022, the U.S. Department of State ordered the departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and all family members from the Consulate General Shanghai consular district due to a surge in COVID-19 cases and the impact of restrictions related to the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) response.

Q: How can I get food and water? I don’t think I have enough.

Our top priority is ensuring that U.S. citizens have access to these basic needs through local services. We assess that food is available, though we understand there are interruptions in supply of certain items, provision of food and water varies from district to district, and delivery services are severely delayed or, in some neighborhoods, curtailed completely.

If you have problems obtaining food, the first place to start is with your local neighborhood committee for assistance. Many individual neighborhoods have set up chat groups for bulk ordering and delivery.

If you cannot reach your local neighborhood committee for assistance and your family has nothing to eat, contact the consulate so that we can help you access the local services you need. Please email us at shanghaiacs@state.gov or CALL US at +86 10 8531-4000 for assistance, and provide your name, telephone number, address, and contact details for your neighborhood committee.

Q: What happens if I have a medical emergency? How can I get access to emergency medical care?

We are engaged on the issue of ensuring every U.S. citizen has access to emergency medical treatment and necessary medications. Local government has announced that hospital emergency rooms will be open during lockdowns for life-threatening emergencies. In some cases U.S. citizens have reported difficulties obtaining permission to leave their residence due to pandemic control measures.

If you are not able to access emergency medical treatment or get necessary medications, please email us at shanghaiacs@state.gov or CALL US at +86 10 8531-4000 and provide your name, telephone number, address, and contact details for your neighborhood committee.

Q: Is the U.S. Consulate evacuating American citizens? Am I able to fly out of Shanghai?

As noted in the Department of State’s updated Travel Advisory for the People’s Republic of China (PRC) (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/china-travel-advisory.html ) , the Department has allowed for the voluntary departure of non-emergency U.S. government employees and their family members due to a surge in COVID cases and the impact of restrictions related to the PRC’s response. Please be assured that protecting the safety and security of U.S. citizens remains our top priority, and we are sufficiently staffed throughout our Embassy and Consulates to maintain this commitment to U.S. citizens in the PRC.

Commercial flights out of China remain available, but limited. As lockdowns are extended, we are monitoring this issue closely and we are engaged on the issue of airport access for travelers with confirmed air tickets. Please email us at shanghaiacs@state.gov or CALL US at +86 10 8531-4000 if you have booked international travel and health control measures prevent you from accessing your travel.

There are no plans for USG-sponsored charter flights. U.S. citizens who want to depart should have a plan to do so that does not depend on USG assistance.

Q: Are parents and children being separated to go to quarantine facilities? What if that happens to my family?

We are deeply concerned about this issue. It is one of the top issues that we have engaged on and are continuing to engage on, along with the entire diplomatic community.

If this happens to your family, call us at +86 10 8531-4000. We will make every effort to assist in individual cases. The consulate has extremely limited ability to intervene in local quarantine or pandemic-control measures.

Q: What are conditions like in centralized quarantine facilities?

U.S. citizens who test positive may be transferred to a government-designated medical facility. Standards of care, accommodations, testing, and treatments may differ considerably from standards in the United States. We are engaging on this issue along with the entire diplomatic community. The consulate has extremely limited ability to intervene in local quarantine or pandemic-control measures.

Q: Is the U.S. Consulate General working with the PRC government to solve these problems?

The U.S. Consulate General cares about the issues that you do and we are advocating on your behalf. We have engaged and are continuing to engage with local government, both bilaterally and with our like-minded partners, on the important issues surrounding pandemic control measures.

Q: Can the Consulate help with my pets if I have to leave?

We are concerned about the issue of humane treatment of pets. We cannot assist individuals making travel arrangements for pets. We recommend you have backup plans for the care of your pets if you are departing the country and are not able to complete necessary steps to bring your pet with you.

Q: What happens to my passport that I applied for recently? Can I pick it up at the consulate? Will it be delivered by EMS if I selected that option?

Your passport is safely stored in our office and is waiting there for you to pick up as soon as we are able to reopen. Regarding EMS delivery – EMS has also been under lockdown, not able to pick up passports from us for delivery. As soon as restrictions are lifted, we expect service to resume.

Q: I have upcoming travel plans – can I apply for a new passport now? 

We know many people had to cancel or miss scheduled appointments in the past weeks due to the health control situation in the city. When we are able to re-open, we will make appointments available for people to visit our office and take care of these important services.

Before lockdown, it took 4-6 weeks processing time for passports. If there is not sufficient time for you to obtain a full validity passport before your scheduled travel, we will work with you to issue you a temporary emergency passport so that you are able to travel.

Q: Who else can help me if I have problems during the lockdown?

Amid the difficult on-the-ground conditions, your local authorities and/or employer should be able to best help you immediately. You can also try to reach the local Foreign Affairs Office (waiban) at affiliated employers, universities, and other organizations. If you are concerned about language issues, contacting them via WeChat may be better than trying to call. Your local employer might also be able to provide assistance resolving specific issues.

Additional resources and information sources:

Check with your hotels, airlines, or cruise lines, and local media and authorities regarding any updated information about your travel plans and/or restrictions.

Visit the Embassy COVID-19 webpage (https://china.usembassy-china.org.cn/covid-19-information/) for information on conditions in China.

For the latest requirements on entering China, please refer to the PRC Embassy’s website .

Consult the CDC website (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html ) for the most recent information on what you can do to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19.

Visit the State.Gov COVID-19 webpage (https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/ea/covid-19-information.html ) for the latest information by country.

If you find yourself in an emergency, please contact us at 010-8531-4000 or shanghaiacs@state.gov.

Department of State – Consular Affairs

+1-888-407-4747 or +1-202-501-4444

China Country Information

(https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/China.html )

Enroll in Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts. (https://step.state.gov/STEP/Pages/Common/Subscribe.aspx)

Follow us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/travelgov) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/travelgov) 

If you have a specific question about your personal situation, please email us at shanghaiacs@state.gov. If you have an emergency, please call us at +86 10 8531-4000.

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