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Brief Introduction


   International trade law focuses on how countries conduct trade in goods and services across national borders. The international, regional and national organizations detailed in this section address the export and import issues that arise in international trade in goods and services. Institutions also provide assistance and support through market and country reports, and economic analyses promoting international trade. For specific focus on competition, electronic commerce, the environment, and taxation

   Antitrust/competition, the environment, electronic commerce, and taxation are only a few of the issues of international economic activity that are subject to regulation. The resources of regulation include national laws, government agency rules, policies, guidelines, and the status of a country in relation to pertinent treaties or international conventions. 

   International trade law is a very complex and an ever expanding area. There are basically four levels of international trade relationships:

  •      unilateral measures (national law),
  •      bilateral relationships (Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement),   
  •      plurilateral agreements1, and
  •      multilateral arrangements (GATT/WTO).

   The focus of this guide is on international trade generally and on some of the major bilateral or multilateral international trade agreements: FTA, NAFTA, and GATT/WTO.

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